To All Confinees in Every So-Called Sex-Offender Commitment Facility in the U.S.

The below came from The Legal Pad, Volume 4, Issue 3 (March, 2020), p. 1, published by Cyrus Gladden from the gulag in Moose Lake, Minnesota. 

To All Confinees in Every So-Called Sex-Offender Commitment Facility in the U.S.: 

By Cyrus Gladden 

Right now, I am trying to collect a centralized list/database of certain sex offenders in each other sex-offender commitment facility as a Committee of Correspondence. The most immediate aim of this Committee will be to frequently share all information significant to us, to foster uniform agreement on positions of critical importance to us, and to compare notes on all developments of importance to all of us, including at least these, for example: 

  • Challenges to such commitments or possible grounds for such challenges (individually or collectively)
  • comparative conditions of confinement, and   
  • Efforts through: 
    • litigation. 
    • Political appeals to: 
      • legislators.
      • government executive officials.
  • Public relations campaigns, or otherwise, to: 
    •  Strike down sex offender commitment.
    •  To gain freedom for all through legal attacks on the ruse of treatment as a rubric to supposedly justify our permanent confinement.
    • To challenge all oppressive conditions of confinement.
    • For all other useful purposes.

One of the roles of this projected Committee will be to ensure that at least one copy of each newsletter generated by one or more confinees at each such facility and seriously addresses any of the subjects listed above is provided to each other facility, for collection there on a lending­ library basis, so that all confinees in all such facilities can be current about significant matters 1 going on in every other such facility. This collection in each such facility will also serve as a very useful ‘well’ of thoughts by those in each facility about how best to advance our interests in common. 

Another role of this Committee will be to help coordinate our respective ( and perhaps collective) actions for maximum beneficial effect for all of us. There has already been too much helter-skelter litigation and too many ill-advised pleas to the media. Some such actions and public-relations pleas have backfired badly. Frankly, at the very least, we need to ‘get our story straight.’

If you wish to be a Committee of Correspondence member for your facility and you possess the motivation and resolve to carry out that role seriously and consistently, please respond to this request by direct regular mail to the undersigned at the address listed in the lower-left corner of this page. If you cannot or wish not to take this responsibility on at this time for any reason, please inquire of others in your facility whom you deem apt to fill this role.

If you or anyone else there produces a newsletter addressing any of the topics above, please include in your reply a copy of the latest edition of it that you have. Please also ensure that I am placed on the mailing list for future editions of any such newsletter. I simply cannot afford to send multiple copies of this newsletter to your facility. Hence please lend this to those there who are responsible and considerate borrowers.

I fervently hope that this Committee will dispel demoralization and will bring about sorely­ needed organization and a sense of solidarity and among all committed sex offenders. Therefore, please treat this inquiry with the crucial importance it conveys. I believe that this can change everything for us massively for the better. Some of us must step forward to get things rolling forward. I hope that you ( or at least someone to whom you will selectively show this article) will prove to be the kind needed to fulfill this role.

I hope that you agree that we simply must remain in contact and that we start to forge an axis of solidarity that I hope we can work into as many of these facilities countrywide as possible. There is strength in numbers, but even more strength in organization and coordinated voices. Are we agreed in principle? I will await your reply eagerly. Thanks! 

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