MSOP Variance: A Malicious Act To Delete A Medical Model

The below is OCEAN Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 2 (Aug. 1, 2019) published by Russell J. Hatton & Daniel A. Wilson from the gulag in Moose Lake Minnesota.


Rule 26 was established to govern MSOP as a hospital. However, there is an option to ask the Department of Human Services Division of Licensing for accommodations in the event that MSOP cannot follow the Rule 26 called a “Variance Request.” the MSOP petitioned for more than one Variance Request to Rule 26, which moved the facility away from a medical model and the constraints of following the various state codes outlined at, Minnesota Rule, Chapter 4665, Department of Health, Supervised Living Facilities, because the MSOP administrators know that the clients are not mentally ill. These Rule 26 Variance(s) are “NON-PUBLIC,” stealthy arrangements. These Variances admit, “The vast majority of patients committed to the Minnesota Sex Offender Program do not experience symptoms of mental illness that requires psychiatric treatment .. .” 1 The MSOP Executive Director, Nancy Johnson, gave testimony on March 2, 2015, before The Honorable Donovan W. Frank, about the Rule 26 Variances.2 In addition, The MSOP is not a hospital, nor is it calculated to follow a medical model or to administer to ill people. In addition, The Clinical Director of MSOP, Jannine Hebert, gave testimony on March 5, 2015,3 before The Honorable Donovan Frank, and explained that the MSOP has not been a hospital since at least 2008. The MSOP does not work with patients needing medical care; rather, there is an important distinction in her opinion: the MSOP is a “treatment program” that deals with folks who are “not sick.” Also, MSOP does not use any “independent” Practitioners and does not provide hospital services.

No one can receive medical care and attention at a facility that does not provide medical services. MSOP should be investigated by an independent party, and shut down. Here at the MSOP facility, we are all well aware of what is going on here, we hope the public will soon understand the gravity of this situation. This may only affect those who’ve committed sexual offences today. But tomorrow, anyone can get committed.

1 Variance Request: Department of Human Services, Division of Licensing, 4444 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN
55155-3842 OR PO Box 64242, St. Paul, MN 55164-0242, Bob Chilberg, DHS Licensor (218)728-3210,
Variance #3, (3030-2), Aug-30-05, signed by Dean Mooney on Mar-4-2005. Also see 2nd Variance signed by
John D. Erskine on Apr-4-2008, License number of program: 830611 and 810838

2Court Trial Proceedings, Vol. XV, dated March 2, 2015, pp. 3198, 3199, 3201, 3336, 3428, 3429 – Case No.
11-CV-3659 (DWF/JJK)

3Court Trial Proceedings, Vol. XVIII, dated March 5, 2015, pp. 3957, 3958, 4001, 4002, 4203, 4204- Case No.
11-CV-3659 (DWF/JJK)

“It is difficult to get a man to understand anything if his paycheck depends on him not understanding it.” -Albert


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