The below is OCEAN Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2, Article 2 (Aug. 15, 2019) published by Russell J. Hatton & Daniel A. Wilson from the gulag in Moose Lake Minnesota.
With any other profession consisting of “sick” people, if the clients do not get well, it is the fault of the doctors and nurses, not the clients. Any clinician, who decides to get an education to help others, should expect to see the results of their hard work. However, an MSOP clinician is like a surgeon who leaves her patient on the operation table to die (But not before she gets her paycheck from the tax payers). No client ever gets rehabilitated at MSOP.
MSOP clinicians will blame the client for having an “illness,” and then also blame the client for not curing it. This fly’s in the face of the concept of “volitional impairment” – the initial purpose for the commitment. If the offending behavior is not a matter of the client’s will, then he cannot be held responsible for his recovery either.
However, the truth is, no one is truly “volitionally impaired.”
Among the 20 states with civil commitment programs, Minnesota has the highest number of civilly committed sex offenders per capita ¹ At $124,465 a year; housing one sex offender costs the tax payer three times the cost of a prison inmate. There are currently about 755 Clients at MSOP. At $93,971,075 a year,² (not to mention court costs because as long as MSOP administration continues to abuse its clients, they will continue to hold administration accountable by exercising their right to the court system). MSOP is a massive waste of Minnesota money and this is expected to only get worse as long as no one gets released. It is projected that by 2022 the number of sex offenders in Minnesota will be 1,125. We will never lock up all the sex offenders as selfish deviants are born every day. As sex offender laws become stricter – as they should- the MSOP system will just continue to grow (However, it will end, because it is founded on lies).
The Minnesota Commitment and Treatment Act, which is the law governing the standard for how someone gets committed, defines that Minnesota’s interest in enacting civil commitment laws lies in both protecting the public from sexual violence and rehabilitating the mentally ill. MSOP does neither. It does not act as a deterrent to those who want to sexually offend, because most of the public does not even know it exists, and it surly does not rehabilitate anyone. It does, however, lock up those who have already learned their lesson because they did their prison time.
If MSOP staff really wants to treat and reintegrate clients back into the community, then they should be encouraging and educating their clients about the Special Review Board (SRB) process. The SRB process should be taught to clients in orientation upon admission to MSOP and encouraged throughout treatment.
Instead, clinicians rarely even bring it up. In fact, it is almost blasphemous to even mention any kind of legal avenue to get released as if the ideology of psychology is at war with the ideology of the justice system. SRB has become a mystery to many clients who actually believe that it’s up to their clinician to approve their release.
¹ Nobles, James R., Legislative Auditor, Evaluation Report, Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders, March 2011, Office of the Legislative Auditor, Program Evaluation Division, Centennial Building, Suite 140, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155-4708. E-mail:, Web Site:
Phone: (651) 296-4708. p.x
²Rosario, Ruben. “This Judge Believes Even Sex Offenders Have Rights” Pioneer Press, Ruben Rosario can be reached at 651-228-5454 or follow him at
³ Ibid