International Megan’s Law: A challenge to International Megan’s Law (IML) was just filed in federal court. Under the new law the State Department is required to do something that is very likely unprecedented in U.S. history – putting a special mark on the passports of those the government wishes to stigmatize, a sizeable class of people with a record of certain offenses that are sex-related. In addition to mandating scarlet letter passports, other provisions of the law will erode a cherished liberty, the right to physically move about and travel outside the U.S. IML was signed into law by Obama and implementation continues under the Trump administration. Good luck to the “John Does” who are fighting for their rights, ACSOL (Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws) and their legal eagle Janice Bellucci! Here’s an Associated Press report, a commentary explaining why IML will be ineffective, ACSOL’s statement, and the lawsuit papers – have a look. –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire
Associated Press via Washington Post | Jan. 11, 2018
Group sues over passport marker for sex offenders
By Don Thompson
A group representing sex offenders sued again Thursday to challenge a law that requires a marker to be placed in the passports of people convicted of sex offenses against children. Attorney Janice Bellucci filed the lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles on behalf of her nonprofit organization, the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, and two California sex offenders. Opponents of the marker have called it a “Scarlet Letter.” MORE:
In Justice Today | Nov. 9, 2017
We’re Putting Sex Offender Stamps on Passports. Here’s Why It Won’t Curb Sex Tourism & Trafficking.
By Guy Hamilton-Smith
Excerpts: While IML and similar laws are packaged as a way to prevent sexual violence and exploitation, they do little to nothing to meet those objectives because they make assumptions about sexual offending that are incorrect. As recent years have demonstrated, sex offenders have become a proving ground for law and policy that the public would (and should) otherwise find abhorrent. IML, and its attendant marking of the sine qua non of international travel documents, is just the latest high-profile example. MORE:
ACSOL (Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws ) | Jan. 11, 2018
IML Lawsuit Filed
A lawsuit was filed today in the Central District of the U.S. District Court of California challenging regulations issued by the State Department that announced the addition of a “unique identifier” to the passports of some registrants. Addition of the identifier to passports could affect more than 500,000 Americans and their families. MORE:
Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws and John Does vs. U.S. Department of State
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California Case No. Case No. 2:18-cv-256
Lawsuit complaint filed Jan. 11, 2017:
Our vision for a just future
1. Abolish pre-crime preventative detention laws
2. Free our friends and loved ones from dehumanizing labels
3. Realign our justice system with the values of restoration and reintegration
Just Future Project is a new initiative focused on challenging pre-crime preventative detention laws. We are a people-driven grassroots advocacy campaign dedicated to building a movement of community members demanding an end to indefinite detention regimes.
Why Is This Important?
Pre-crime preventative detention systems are a dangerous departure from the traditional values of our legal system.
We believe in justice, that persons who have caused harm may be held accountable for their actions. But justice also demands proportionality and due process, elements essential to distinguish justice from mere vengeance. The goal of any true system of justice must be restoration and re-integration, not the perpetual containment and incapacitation that have come to define the U.S. criminal legal system.
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