The below is OCEAN Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 2 (Oct. 12, 2019) published by Russell J. Hatton & Daniel A. Wilson from the gulag in Moose Lake Minnesota.
Neuroscience work with rats, demonstrated neuroplasticity in the late l 950’s and early l 960’s. Neuroscientists Mark Rosenzweig’s scientific paper “Effects of Environmental Complexity and Training on Brain Chemistry and Anatomy,” recapitulated his findings, which clearly showed that rats housed in cages with toys, ladders, running wheels, and tunnels – what he called an “enriched” environment – performed better on maze tests than those in sterile cages, or “impoverished” environments.
I consider the MSOP to be an IMPOVERISHED ENVIRONMENT to cognitive neurogenesis. What I have come to acknowledge through observation and a keen sense of awareness is this, men’s – MSOP client behaviors when new staff are hired. More prominently, female staff, and when a female staff enters a cell block, regardless of profession. “Tough” egotistical, and even misogynistic men almost always impulsively react with adoration. Most do so passive-aggressively, while others are passive and few are enticed to approach a female staff and exhibit inappropriate boundary-testing behaviors. Why is this?
I would assume that it is due to being involuntarily detained in an impoverished environment with little to zero interaction with the opposite sex in a natural way. The sound of a woman’s voice causes men in MSOP to suffer “whiplash” when heard. MSOP is a strange, cold, impersonal and detached environment, deliberately cut off from family, friends, society and nature.
Neuropsychologist would agree that the need for such natural, normal human interaction is beneficial to all of society and any degree of confinement leading to an ongoing limitation of access to common human interaction is detrimental to any human psyche. It would only be logical to interpret that indeterminate involuntary civil commitment (punitive preventative detention) of a person in an artificial environment until institutionalization has instilled learned-helplessness and perceptions of hopelessness. Furthermore, the creation of unhealthy, sterile and apathetical co-dependency relationships. Co-dependency relationship where the men learn to exhibit ingratiating behaviors rather than a healthy mutual connection.
Foremost, when the act is intentional and designed in a fashion to create such abnormal learned-behaviors. The intent comes due significantly to the IMPOVERISHED ENVIRONMENT where the MSOP population is deliberately isolated, segregated and cut-off from the rest of society through ill-written policies. A stress induced environment most definitely must lead to a dramatic decrease in the birth of new neurons in the adult hippocampus over an extended period of time.
Damage or apoptosis from detainment in an IMPOVERISHED ENVIRONMENT affects the frontal lobe which generates movement commands, contains the area that produces speech, and is responsible for selecting appropriate behavior which is dependent on goals and environment. Our brains are our greatest strength as critical thinkers. But they can also be a source of many weaknesses and impairments in critical thought. MSOP must change its policies to genuinely want to safely integrate men back into society. Create a policy that acknowledges the importance of conjugal visits to build healthy relationships.